Shadowcast Radio
On a journey from one Garden to the next . . .We're just three guys from Wyoming who talk theology and culture with the ultimate goal of pointing people to Jesus.
110 episodes
The God of gods? Pt. 2
In this episode the guys have on a friend and guest Nate Wollman to revisit this discussion on the gods as presented in the Bible. Part 1 of these series introduced this topic and addressed the tension in monotheistic Christianity that's presen...

The God of gods?
In this episode of the show the podcast hosts jump into the doctrine of Angelology, and discuss how the bible compares and contrasts spiritual beings with God himself. Spiritual beings are called "gods" in the Old Testament, and yet consistentl...
Season 5
Episode 13

An Antinomy in Scripture: God's Sovereignty and Man's Responsibility
In this episode the hosts discuss what the Bible teaches regarding God's sovereignty and man's responsibility, what they're calling an "Antinomy". Though both of these truth claims seem to contradict, both are mysteriously true according to scr...
Season 5
Episode 12

Unity in Diversity
On this episode of Shadowcast Radio the guys discuss the topic of diversity. The Bible has a lot to say about the different kinds of groups that make up the one body of Christ. Join the guys as they open up the scriptures and discuss the variou...
Season 5
Episode 11

Why we stopped drinking Liquid Death
Liquid Death is a water and beverage company that the hosts of the show often drank and even displayed on camera in past episodes. However, the hosts of the show no longer support the business because of the company's marketing tactics, which e...
Season 5
Episode 10

A Testimony of Weight Loss? Feat. Chris Thomas
In this episode we have special guest Chris Thomas. Chris was invited onto the show to share the story of his weight loss journey, which he credits entirely to the Lord as an act of grace. Today's show isn't about following certain diet trends ...
Season 5
Episode 9

A Snapshot of Christians in Colonial America with Will Cornell
This is the final episode in our Snapshots in church history series. In this show we have our Pastor and friend Will Cornell on to teach us about the followers of Christ in the Colonies before the revolution. The atmosphere of early America was...
Season 5
Episode 8

A Snapshot of the Church in Pre-Christian Rome
In this episode we continue our series of Snapshots in Church History. For this episode we are focusing on the era immediately following the time of the completion of the New Testament. Christianity didn't become popular in Roman society until ...
Season 5
Episode 7

A Snapshot of Christianity in Nazi Germany
We're back! Sorry for the unannounced pause in show releases. Life got busy, and recording got pushed aside. To accommodate for our generally busy schedules, and because of the time it takes to prep and edit shows, we have decided as a team to ...
Season 5
Episode 6

Snapshots of the Reformation
This is the start of a new series that we're calling Snapshots in Church History. Each episode will detail out specific qualities about a certain era of church history. The goal is to gleam the wisdom of the era, an find encouragement in how th...
Season 5
Episode 5

An Honest Conversation About Social Media
⚠️ Warning! This show does contain some references to sensitive content. Listener discretion is advised. On this episode the guys discuss the topic of social media, and the relationships children have with these kinds of platforms. Thou...
Season 5
Episode 4

Can you lose your salvation?
On this episode of Shadowcast Radio the guys discuss the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints. This is an important topic to discuss in light of the large-scale deconstruction movement happening in the West. Can a Christian once they are ...
Season 5
Episode 3

The Story of Mark Corbett
To follow up from the season opener, the Story of Steve Watt, we invited Mark Corbett onto the show to tell the same story but from his perspective. If you remember, Mark is the man who shot Steve five times while on the run after robbing a ban...
Season 5
Episode 2

The Story of Steve Watt
🎧 To open up season 5 of Shadowcast Radio we invited special guest Steve Watt to join us for the show. Steve is a former Wyoming Highway Patrolman who retired from service after being shot 5 times while on duty. The man who shot him, Mark Farnh...
Season 5
Episode 1

Bucket Lists, Daily Habits & the Call to Persevere
This episode is the last episode of season 4. In this ep the hosts quickly recap some of the content of this past season and spend the remainder of the show asking miscellaneous questions to one another. The answers give insight into the ...
Season 4
Episode 23

Music as Theology
In this episode we have Andrew Kneeland join us, our long time creative contributor and fill-in host for the show, to discuss to topic of music and the way this art form fits within a Biblical framework. Music has the powerful ability to commun...
Season 4
Episode 22

The Babel Curse
In this episode, the guys come together to discuss the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel, and how the curse seen in that story is paralleled in many ways to the problems we see in society today. When proud and arrogant societies arise God is...
Season 4
Episode 21

"Judgement & Salvation" | Biblical Themes Part 4: Water
Welcome to part 4 in our theme study. In this episode we will be talking about water, and specifically how we see water used scripturally within the context of judgement and also within the context of salvation, which we call the water of life....
Season 4
Episode 20

"The Tree of Life" | Biblical Themes Part 3: Trees
Welcome to part 3 in our themes study. In this episode we discuss the theme of trees in the Bible. When trees appear in scripture, we're tempted to just see them as mere details in the story. Our argument, however, is that is most certain...
Season 4
Episode 19

"The Chaotic Wasteland" | Biblical Themes Part 2: Wilderness
This is the second part, but third episode, in our new themes study. In this episode we discuss the theme of wilderness in scripture. Throughout the Bible there are multiple stories where the author wants to depict spaces where human life does ...
Season 4
Episode 18

"The Burning Man" | Biblical Themes Part 1: Fire
In this episode we trace the theme of fire throughout scripture. Fire is an important image that appears in the early parts of scripture and get's developed throughout the Bible. We see it in Eden, in the priestly duties, in judgement moments, ...
Season 4
Episode 17

Jonah and the Gospel with Timothy Brindle
In this episode we have special guest Timothy Brindle on to discuss the Old Testament book of Jonah. For those who grew up in the church, Jonah and the "Whale" is a classic story told and retold throughout our lives. It's tempting to think we u...
Season 4
Episode 16

A Christian Case for Homeschooling with Special Guest Israel Wayne
For today's show we have special guest Israel Wayne on the podcast to discuss the topic of schooling from a Biblical perspective. To the surprise of many Christians in modernity, the Bible isn't neutral when it discusses education. Most succinc...
Season 4
Episode 15

The Attributes of God Part 4: The Omnis with Special Guest William Cornell
In this episode we roped our pastor Will Cornell to discuss the three omnis of God: Omnipotence, Omniscience & Omnipresence. This is the final episode in this series related to the attributes of God. Put simply, these three attributes mean ...
Season 4
Episode 14

The Attributes of God Part 3: Holiness and Justice
In this episode our aim is to tackle the Holiness and Justice of God. What does it mean that God is holy holy holy? We believe it's impossible to understand God's Justice if we fail to recognize Him as the thrice Holy God. The one informs the o...
Season 4
Episode 13