Shadowcast Radio
On a journey from one Garden to the next . . .We're just three guys from Wyoming who talk theology and culture with the ultimate goal of pointing people to Jesus.
Shadowcast Radio
The Attributes of God Part 3: Holiness and Justice
In this episode our aim is to tackle the Holiness and Justice of God. What does it mean that God is holy holy holy? We believe it's impossible to understand God's Justice if we fail to recognize Him as the thrice Holy God. The one informs the other. Join us as we work through the difficult process of defining God's holiness.
The basic meaning of holy means set apart or unique, but as we meditate on some of the stories in scripture that portray holiness, we see there's much more weight to the idea than what this definition gives off. Justice at its base means equal measures. If God is truly just and holy, it means our sin against him is worthy of eternal judgement. Thankfully, the holy Son bore our punishment, and makes us right with God. The gospel becomes intermingled in God's attributes.
Grab a drink and enjoy.